
Captain America: Brave New World

Adventure, Action, Sci Fi | 1h 58min

March 14 Time 16:00  |  Forum Cinemas, Auditorija 2

2D Language: In English | Subtitles: In Latvian, In Russian | Show End Time 18:13

available: 393/427
View Seat Plan



8,20 €

Student presenting a student ID card

6,97 €

Senior from the age of 60

4,50 €

Wheelchair seat

4,50 €

For information!

15% discount with Citadele payment cards are valid when choosing Adult category tickets - do not add up to other discounts.

With Latvian Honorary Family card "Goda ģimene", it is possible to receive up to a 40% discount on cinema tickets (the card must be registered at cinema box offices or online).

Cinema gift cards can be used at the end of the ticket purchase - by entering the gift card codes (strings of 10-11 symbols) in the appropriate field.

When choosing a ticket with a discount for children, pupils / students, family or seniors, we will ask you to present a supporting document at the cinema.